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custodial interference massachusetts

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custodial interference massachusetts

If you're afraid of the other parent, or if you're seeking or have a209A abuse prevention order(restraining order) against the other parent, you don't have to meet in the same room as them. Your kids are worth every penny. my question is if you do have a court order of every other weekend and the person with the sole and physical custody of the child says they are not going to bring your child to you what can happen. Davids family gave testimonies to the judge insisting I was a danger. He tells me Im not allowed to have him around anyone he says he doesnt want him around but refuses to meet my boyfriend despite how much Ive begged because my boyfriend is a great guy and father of 3, two of which he has full custody of. My exs mother also lives in Peru but in a distant city, and it is worth mentioning that that city has had mayor flash floods and slides which have destructed some of that city this past summer (winter there), making it a dangerous place to be at. The truth is opposite. What are my legal rights if he does not bring him back by the agreed on time? I also worry that he can take my son whenever he chooses to if I agree to his terms, however he feels that I will do the same if I dont. Although this was upsetting, I dont want to disrupt his relationship with our child. I can provide financially for both of my children, it will be hard, but it is possible. Save voice messages or text messages. He didnt take any of their belongings and one of the twins has a severe case of asthma and he has no medication. I was informed that based on my facts I could file criminal complaint. My ex gave power of attorney to his wife to make any decisions over my daughter and she has taken her out of the counrty. She couldnt because she was already at work. So he and I go there and they drop some of it After he passed away I had to go to court again for the arrests AGAIN and they were dropped along with anything else owed at all So can someone please tell me how they just got me on driving on suspended? When my ex left the state of Florida 2 yars ago the juge aknowledged she broke the law. Other than custodial interference with my daughter what concerns/charges could I bring up with Friend of the Court as far as my son goes? The couple must decide themselves in writing how all assets will be divided, who the child will live with, how co-parenting and visitation will work in the event the two decide not to renew their marriage when it expires. the babysitter sees herself as the childs grandmother although she is not biologically related to any of us. If there is no court order or custody agreement in play can you still be charged with custodial interference? In some of my conversations with my kids, they have told me that there are no bedrooms in the house that they all sleep in the same room together. It will likely be dismissed as most prosecutors prefer not to pursue these charges but it may send a solid message to the ex. This is all really an effort to control me and intimidate me because I told him I was getting remarried. can they be arrested? His daughter needs to be in school, not to mention the mother is mentally unstable and she does not have a place to live. I live in Tx but my ex moved to california. Understand something when you have a disagreement and you have to go to court. So that means my husbands daughter is home alone late at night. Im a caregiver of a soon to be 2 year, if the parents dont do what they have to do, I can adopt him. Please note the same principle and school was doing this prior to our divorce as well during last years school year and I addressed him about the situation at the beginning of this school year to assure that the ame things would not happen this year as well, which was okay until just recent. Do you think in FLorida my husband will be able to get sole parental responsibility with limited visitation for her? can that non custodial parent file a suit against the custodial parent for causing emotional distress? We requested visitation for four years with one lawyer and for another three year with another lawyer. He works everyday until 6:30 so on his days our son has to spend and hour an a half with this gfs mom and then 2hrs with his gf before he gets home. I wasnt aware enforcing court orders was a nuisance to the police and I an pretty pissed that 3 officers have threatened ME with jail when i havent committed a crime, why not threaten the POS who causes these reports in the first place?? 6 year old grasp too much of the situation that it is sad Why did mommy have to go to judge and say I cannot be around you guys I told her I wanted to??? First of all, I think its sad for the child that the two parents cant cooperate to allow the non-custodial parent the most convenient and reasonable access to the child as possible. I hope this helped you out a little and if I can help any more just let me know. I need help Im sorry ito change the subject but my daughter is 19 living and dating. If there is no custody agreement then there is no official custodial parent. She tells me that she does not have a home phone either. Like all contempt actions in Massachusetts, for a judge to find a Massachusetts defendant in contempt of a parenting order, the plaintiff must present " clear and convincing evidence of disobedience of a clear and unequivocal command .". This is the first weekend coming up that I have been on this schedule. If you are calling and disrupting their time together to control or make them miserable or uncomfortable that can be considered obstruction or parental alienation especially if it is execesive. We will use this information to improve this page. 6 months how long your child must have lived in the state for you to file for custody here. Not to mention, X-wife that he has assault charges with; when they were together. Hope I helped some let us know how it goes Blessings to you and yours. i seriously doubt any prosecutor would waste their time bringing charges. They agreed that they would trade semesters (the father WAS in college and was home every other semester) and right now the father has my grandson during the week and my daughter on weekends, and previous semester she had him during the week and the father on weekends, etc, etc. Karina, If you do not follow the Court Order willfully, you are in Contempt and you will go to jail or pay a fine or you could even lose custody. Thats what we are and always will be. control me. They have NOT been to court so the ex-wife can answer for what she did. I wonder why? So I said No prob. One of those men with which she is living with for the past 6 months+ is her own flesh and blood daughters ex boyfriend whom my 6 year old is old enough to realize that the daughter was with him before. My parental rights have been violated since March. If she becomes a resident of another state (which is 6 months in the other state) you will be on the losing end and just get non custodial visitation. My heart goes out to you on this as I am going through something very similar on my end as my ex took our 4 kids to Illinois which I granted her 30 days to see her ailing mother and she never returned. After I told the judge why I did it, he let me keep them and told me to get a lawyer so we can make modifications. She is young, 20, overwhelmed, and thinks she doesnt have any rights. Just dont make it a war make it a family and it will all work out. One thing you did mention that would work in your favor, well two is an unstable environment and that she is residing and taking him over state lines. Let it go beyond six months and it becomes their jurisdiction and you have to go there. Per the local police in Illinois they told me that they will not enforce a court order in regards to violation or visition only make notes o I can go back to court time and again. What if we didnt have a court order? A person is guilty of custodial interference in the second degree when: 1. She has repeatedly told me she will throw the phone in the pond. I hope you arent alienating your sons father from his own father.. The court will then issue a summons, which is an official court paper that tells the other parent that you have filed a complaint with the court and that there will be a hearing on it. Then over the next two months I tried to convince him to come and see his son, which he refused to do even after Cashs paternity had been established. Change your thinking about the situation. Thats in violation of the court paperwork as well. My question is in regards to communication. She has put Randy in jail 3 times. Yes, he does have parenting time. My husband and I have had his boys for the past 13 years their mother has been recovering/relaping/recovering/relapsing to to drug addictions her entire life. I read your concern. What rights do I have as a custodian parent to take non custodian rights do yo finding out that her boyfriend i!s a sex offender and my daughter told me that the non custodian boyfriend bathing her inappropriately What can I do? My ex and i have joint legal custody and I have physical custody. Thats why you have a Court Order its the COURTs ORDER and the Contempt is against the Court. The mother has kept minimal contact with my step son. He also brought her back to me after 7 hours with a very dirty diaper in that 7 hours he changed her once and the diaper was so dirty and soggy that it took several wipes and a little pressure to clean it off of her! Attoryney seems to never get thru to the judge and money is gone. We are more strict than their moms house, and that may be annoying to my step son, as he gets older, but there is no actual reason to alter the plan. YOUR RIGHT ON THAT ONE! I am the mother of the boys. Many women (not all) are too controlling and do not allow reasonable relationships between Dad and the kids after the divorce. Aurelia Marie Spears S.S.N. Shes saying i can be charged with kidnapping. I feel my son is the better parent and not just because hes my son. (b) A person who commits custodial interference shall be imprisoned . The courts always go on the side of the women. Now they are divorcing and my sons father moved him in with the grandfather, The grandfather had a restraining order put out on me so I can not come on the property to stop me from coming to get him when school is out in May. Why do you not have a domestic violence restraining order? I dont get sick very often, but I this month I had the intestinal flu, then the upper respiratory flu, and I am now getting over a cold. The odds are clearly slanted against O. Sr. He has no gain to take them except because their his children and he loves them. The 17 yr old now lives with me. I let it go. I dont want to give up but I am tired of fighting with her? I called the hospital, they wont even let me see him!! Demand your ex husband have EQUAL rights to BOTH your children. My fiance is to have open phone access to the children and she either keeps the phone unplugged ( which she has told their 10 year old son is due to telemarketer calls) or tells the children if they pick up the phone they will be in trouble. Has a modification of visitation been filed or agreed/ signed by the opposing party? It will be reinstated on Nov.1st and he sees the surgeon on Nov.5th to schedule surgery. I havent spoken to her in approx. thank you. She however refuses to show up on time and then just keeps the kids extra to offset the time that she was late I dont want to make things worse but im not sure if not going to the police for custodial interferance and violating the OP by calling me constantly, will help.. on the other hand i fear not doing so will weaken my case in court.. Im just trying to get suggestions on if I should go to the police and then also file for enforcement.. or would just fileing with the court be just as effective? Her father refused to return her to me. Can he be charged with custodial interferenc for this? The law allows the custodial parent to contact law enforcement officers for illegal activities. My ex doesnt let me take our son any other than 48 hour a month. Barrys right. He changed his story over and over. My wife and I are separated and have been for more than two years. we are definitely coming back. I spoke to police and Army officials who either refused to help or simply couldnt locate him based on the information I gave them. when is it considered kidnapping? 135.45 Custodial interference in the second degree. To amend section 53a-97 of the general statutes to align the statute with Connecticut common law with respect to the crime of custodial interference. An Emergency Return requires the court to hear the case within 2-4 weeks of filing to the opposing party (unless you are as unlucky as I where there was a change in judges). What is the reason she doesnt want to talk to you? She has a medical condition. For example, protecting your kid from violence from your ex-spouse, using violence to stop various forms of violence, and more. It only took a month or so of being on Many states have grandparent laws that protect grandparents rights and they get communication and visitation. Sorry I just made your life SUCK but know you did an excellent job as you are the runner up and loose everything to her. Your best option is to file a motion in family court and notify the Judge that mother is consistently refusing to comply with the transportation provisions of the court order. Just because you have a court order it does not mean the police will do much for you unless they feel the child is in danger (ie- physical abuse, drug/alcohol abuse or kidnapping). In our court papers it stated that he is reponsible to provide transportation both ways for the kids and that he is supposed to return them a week before school starts. Research in NY has showed that a person committing Custodial Interference could lose custody of said child. It would be better if you stay calm and show your daughter how a man who loves her acts. huh? If you have a court order which provides that mother cannot leave the state of California with the minor child, then you should file a motion to enforce that order and request that you have primary physical custody of your daughter. My question is: If the mother lives across the river in another state and he has to get the police involved, is it possible she will be charged with a felony even though from our house to hers it is only 30 miles? Other states like Illinois with give your a half hour of free legal counsel. Your goal is obvious to blow things out of proportion and take away his child and keep all the money. Also can it be done with a temporary order that has not been sign by the judge because there is no parenting plan but based on fathers rights to visit the kids? She does everything to not let him go Has excuses or doesnt answer the dor. I just want to protect them. lady after our son was born he stated adamantly that he did not want to be put on the birth certificate, because I do not want to be a dad yet, im serious *Bunny*, I am not ready to be a father. then I spent the next two weeks going up to the nicu every day for two weeks for eight hours each day because our son *Cash* was born two months early. Heres why. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, or if you have a specific question, please contact our law librarians for assistance. But I fear running afoul of Custodial Interference and where this may lead. What about millions of Fathers who are MIA because of the family court system? Im sorry you are going through this as I know personally what that is like. I recommend anyone remember in florida its the 12.941(d) form, I had to use it and once she had to go to jail for a night she decided against playing with the order. we have no custody papers and i dont have $5000 for an attorney.. how do i get him back? In there you will find the information needed as well as guidelines for transfer, visitation and custody. Which I tried. n Nebraska, The father of my niece is taking my sister to court for co App. She has known our location throughout this time and has made no attempt to see my step son, didnt even come to his birthday party in November. I am supposed to have visitation and be part of his healthcare and education. I live in Idaho and she is her for the summer. I am going to see them today and really want to bring them home! YES YOU WOULD.In the judges eyes it would be mean to both the mother and the child to do that. so the mother insistence on keeping him even thought i am primary custodian. In NJ we can appeal the decision the day it was ordered but we also have up to 30 days. The father of the baby has brought him back a couple of times to let her see him, but always removes him again under threat of physical violence if she doesnt comply. So what am I supposed to do when my ex only has visitation every other weekend such as Saturday 9-5 and sunday 9-5 but then refuses to give her back to me and the cops say that cant do anything about it. In my case it doesnt say how far I would have to travel, and the other parent wants me to travel over 100 miles to get the child on an unaccompanied flight outside of my city by over 2-3hrs. If you share the children simple as this, when your child is with mom, then mom is responsible to make sure the child has what he/she needs, or if the child is with dad, then dad is responsible for making sure the child has what he/she needs. Is this true? Send certified mail telling the parent they are in contempt, record all your voice mails you leave, etc. every man I had contact with. To answer your question fairly more information must be gathered. If you can show harm to the children you may be able to have the custody agreement modified. (1) A person commits the offense of custodial interference if, knowing that the person has no legal right to do so, the person takes, entices, or withholds from lawful custody any child, incompetent person, or other person entrusted by authority of law to the custody of another person or institution. became a father child relationship. She wants to live with u as she is now 15. Most custody and parenting time disputes are resolved by an agreement between the parents. he isnt allowed to talk to them or anything. He has them in Louisiana. Remember I have sole custody. Would the custodial interference still apply since it is a temporary order? If my ex has primary physical custody through the week and one of my kids is sick and cant go to school who watchs him? God forbid because wherever envy and self-seeking exists there is confusion and every evil thing James 3:16. It has also helped identify which supportive documents I need to present as evidence. I have two bi-racial kids. custody papers. You may wish to consult with a local family law attorney or at least check the rules in your county for the specific filing procedure. Due to the only phone in the house being his cell phone, (she had a phone but he got rid of it to save money) the only way for me to even talk to her is to call his phone on the weekend, and request him to hand his phone to her. PLEASE HELP ME!!!! 10-5.5. of Children and Families, 2008, with updates. It sounds like youre doing all youre supposed to, though. Then put us both on the case so she could get the lawyer now they are talking her to go against me and play victim they done costed me my job my ride and hooked her up with some lawyer they know and now is time for the sell out. Can I press charges against her? why they open a case investigation? I keep getting the run around on what to do. There is no order in the courts for custody or visitation. I know my daughter, and she will talk on with others and with me when she is not in their care. If it does not you will need to take it back to court for clarification and make up time. she lives with her dad she sleeps on a couch my daughter has no room of her own or a bed to sleep in the mother has no transportation or income. If no one has custody of a child could that child choose where he or she wants to live? The home state where the child has been residing for the last 6 months or in most cases , where the child was born is the home state . What if the custodial parent never comes to get the child/children when they say they will or were on their way. Custodial interference in the first degree is a Class B felony. He has no driving priveleges and cant take her anywhere. How can I make sure he doesnt do this again?? He also had a lawyer and I didnt, so I was forced to represent myself. My youngest boy cries when mentioning mom. If a custodial parent denies the non-custodial parent his rightful, court-ordered visitation, what recourse does the non-c parent have? Who and where to talk to first? he keeps post poning our custody case until after his drug case has been heard. In 1991 my husband went through a divorce before we got back together. The third party individuals, one has had her child taken away by the courts, and one is a married man with his girlfriend 20 years his junior. As the step Mom continues to spread this gossip shouldnt someone stand up and let the attorney, judge, Mother the truth? No findings against me but want to go through a program to get him back home with me, so I let him stay with a school friend parents. Official websites use .mass.gov. This can be especially important if you have concerns about your safety or your childs safety. the girlfriend refused to give the kids back? His work release hours are from 6am 10pm daily and he has been told by the judge that the time he is not working between those hours is his to do whatever he wants. He showed up too & is several people behind her in line. Wow, your info seems a little confusing to me. ridiculous., Sorry Single Mom.. Yea, he does have to actually make an effort to drive to pick up his kid.. Perhaps the visit time is specific and SHE may be wasting a good portion of their visit time traveling in a car with dad rather than the visitation beginning after the mother dropped off the boy.. Its totally ridiculous. Please understand that the court is required to make determination of who the Custodial Parent and Non-Custodial Parent is. Also, it will be Christmas and he never has bought him anything for either that or his birthday and he already is looking forward to being home for Santa to bring him his presents. If Father does consent to the trip be sure to get his consent in writing! Good luck. She bought expensive gifts, things I as a single working mother could never afford. I stand with you brother. So he took the kids for his weekend because he made plans on going out of town the second week. I grew up with no mother, father or siblings and it kills me that I cant have my own child. She is trying to change the custody by keeping the child with her and alienating you. This will eliminate all the scumbag lawyers who want this type of conflict so they can extract tens of thousands of dollars from a family divorce. My bf and his xgf have a child together and there is no custody agreement. I do not know if you have a lawyer, but if not consult with one. You can go to family court if this happens again and file a temp restraining orderbest wishes.. That is, if there is not any reason for her to stop allowing visitation and if there was, she should have filed the emergency hearing. Omg I can hug you right now chy ?????? Even if I hate the man, I love him as their father. There has been a standing custody order for quite a while. This is just an example of the way we have been treated. He wont allow me facetime, Facebooking, texting, nothing. How do I get the police to see the severity of the situation? im trying to make an effort here but the bus only goes so far into fairborn. We meet at a police station once a week and exchange my children, this is the court order as she lied in court and had a restraining order granted out of bitterness. It has to be plainly written out. Unfounded. Best of luck. My sons father gets our son every weekend from fridays at two to mondays at two. that way she will get to visit and you dont have to worry about her taking off with the child. My husband and I are in a battle with my step sons mother. Anyone have any experience in NC with this issue? My friends son has been taken away from her by the babys father. 3.) Ask what you can do forgive, cooperate, not nit pick like the hot water heater FOCUS ON YOUR CHILDREN as a FATHER with the HEAVENLY FATHER and you will gain the wisdom, the love and the power to do what is needed. What should I expect at the hearing? Most custody and I didnt, so I was forced to represent myself u. 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custodial interference massachusetts